Operational Data Collection

App for mobile devices

Whether mobile or stationary directly on the machine:
App for operation or production data

For data capturing in your manufacturing/production, e.g.

-) Devices and machine numbers
-) Production orders and quantities
-) Working times, missing parts and quantities

Direct using an Android tablet or smartphone on the machine / in operation.

Automatic storage in the device, Excel / XLS CSV data formats or SQL integration for connectivity with SQL Server.

At the end of the shift: Easy handover to PC! No follow-up registration necessary.

With this product you get an app toolkit to create powerful and individual apps for data collection quickly and with little effort.

  • Simple integration of barcode / barcode e.g. for work orders,
  • Easily changeable input masks and individual user guidance
  • Storage and provision of the data as an XLS CSV file for easy transfer and processing in Excel, MES solutions or SQL and much more.
  • Perfect fit. Fast. Easy to use. We would be happy to be your partner when it comes to apps and data collection!

Your advantage:

  • Fast availability of production/manufacturing data
  • No manual rework necessary
  • Transfer to Office / Excel or similar possible. Optional with SQL integration: Work orders can be fetched and processed directly from the SQL server
  • Modern, powerful solutions that can be individually adapted to (almost) any environment
  • Optional: Communication with machines, sensors, e.g. via Bluetooth, TCP network and much more. Or for switching inputs and outputs, see Digital IO Box app.

Simple and easy to use, quick on-site recording

Use directly in manufacturing / shipping / production

Robust hardware. Entries possible via barcode

 XLS CSV Excel data formats or for SQL import

Use on professional Android devices for data collection

Cost savings through use on standard Android smartphone devices!

Problem-free use on Android devices, tablet systems directly for industry or for harsh applications

Example XLS CSV Excel file with capture data

Leistungsfähige Android Anwendungen programmiert in Java!

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