Operational Data Collection
App for mobile devices
For data capturing in your manufacturing/production, e.g.
-) Devices and machine numbers
-) Production orders and quantities
-) Working times, missing parts and quantities
Direct using an Android tablet or smartphone on the machine / in operation.
Automatic storage in the device, Excel / XLS CSV data formats or SQL integration for connectivity with SQL Server.
At the end of the shift: Easy handover to PC! No follow-up registration necessary.
With this product you get an app toolkit to create powerful and individual apps for data collection quickly and with little effort.
- Simple integration of barcode / barcode e.g. for work orders,
- Easily changeable input masks and individual user guidance
- Storage and provision of the data as an XLS CSV file for easy transfer and processing in Excel, MES solutions or SQL and much more.
- Perfect fit. Fast. Easy to use. We would be happy to be your partner when it comes to apps and data collection!
Your advantage:
- Fast availability of production/manufacturing data
- No manual rework necessary
- Transfer to Office / Excel or similar possible. Optional with SQL integration: Work orders can be fetched and processed directly from the SQL server
- Modern, powerful solutions that can be individually adapted to (almost) any environment
- Optional: Communication with machines, sensors, e.g. via Bluetooth, TCP network and much more. Or for switching inputs and outputs, see Digital IO Box app.
Simple and easy to use, quick on-site recording
Use directly in manufacturing / shipping / production
Robust hardware. Entries possible via barcode
XLS CSV Excel data formats or for SQL import