Android AE Emergeny SMS App
Send emergency SMS directly with 1 click
InstaHelpAE Emergency Alarm SMS Box
There is no time for texting short messages in case of emergency!
Our Emergency Alarm SMS box supports:
-) Create own predefined texts in case of emergency
-) Simple red-yellow-green light system indicates priority
-) In case of emergency use can press coloured button and pretexted SMS will send automatically!
Send predefined SMS in case of emergency
Quick and easy to use
Especially for seniors / security and all cases where is no time for individual texting
Installation and usage:
-) Download and install app at your Android smartphone
-) Allow permissions for: Sending SMS + Access to your contacts
-) Start app
-) Define your SMS. Ready!
From now user can send his SMS with one click!
New in version 1.002:
-) Supports contact / adress book from smartphone
-) International UI with german / english texts