Mobile Project and Patient Administration

App for Vets, Animal Therapists, Grooms and Others

This app is especially designed for people out of office, e.g. vets, animal therapists, physiotherapy, animal grooms and all the people who provide services around animals directly on site.

It builds a database for patient data and service / treatment information directly on mobile devices, e.g. smartphones with android.

It is easy to use and extremley helpful for these, who need information direct at point of work!

See more in following pictures!

User guidance in images - See how simple you can use it!

Main menu. Start your activity here!

The app in standard config allows two main functions:

  1. Store and work with patient and treatment data
  2. Get an overview about your collected treatments


Patient List

See alphabetic patient list. Choose a patient or input a new one.

Patient Details

This mask contains the patient details, needed and helpful data about the patient, e.g. name, contact data, diagnosis and more.

Treatment List

Get full information about your treatment data and details for an selected patient. Refer treatments from the past or enter a new treatment.

Treatment Details and Input Mask

Input your treatment details in this mask. Main fields are diagnosis and some specials e.g. for special massage, using special machines or tools  (e.g. laser) or others.

General Treatment Overview

Get an overview about all treatments in selected time period. Select time period. This brings you general statistic information about your treatments.

Settings (sample)

Configure the app to your favourite data collection. Sample picture for customizing only.

Give you the possibility for backup and restore your database, e.g. in case of software update or if you changed your mobile device.

Get More Information Here!


Patient and treatment administration app

Download and try our FREE BASE version!

Get the app and other files directly from our webserver: *1

Download App and further files [ZIP]

Or download the free base version directly from the Google Play Store:

Google Play Store